A Long Weekend makes for a Revelation!

3 min readJan 20, 2020


The days are longer than the years. So why not make each day count? Not only for ourselves but for the people around us. Time is the most precious thing we have. As I get another year older, I want to be responsible with the time I give myself and the people I care about.

Ever since I have graduated college things have never been the same with building new relationships and maintaining the ones I have. It could be a whole year before I see a good friend again. And that's just crazy to believe how time I have left fly by. Not unused but badly managed.

image via Toggl

I went to have a dinner with my friend I haven’t seen in almost a year! When I sat down to talk to her, a casual night of eating and drinking became a life coach meeting, just not as aggressive. But my friend laid it down for me, she told me to stop thinking myself out of the things I truly want to be doing. When I told her that I wanted to move out with my boyfriend, instead of bombarding me with questions on whether or not I could do it,or if he’s the right guy, she encouraged me to make the bold move. There was no sense of doubt in her mind, she had a confidence, that I wished I had. A mindset that revolved around going for what I set my mind to.

For the past week, my mother has been away conducting errands in her homeland as much as I do love her, I love this time apart. I have been enjoying the time I have by myself and the start of building habits I will do in my future home such as, cleaning up. This year I decided to try to clean more and it has been helping me alleviate stress and promote mental clarity, cleansing my house of the dirt and grind of the week. It clears my mind and helps me start of my day with a new mindset. Creating a routine that I can actually follow and promise to keep. So far I am three weeks down and I'm excited for how this new habit will shape my life and the for the special person I wish to share a space with.

image via CloudPeeps Blog

In regards to creating healthy new habits, my friend also spoke to me about putting my time into my writing and finding the energy to write something every day for at least 30 min. The first thing that came to mind was doubt… I told her I barely can make it to the gym routinely every week, now write for 30 mins and still be able to get a good night's sleep! She simply smiled and told me to stop overthinking it, if my spirit wishes to write then do what is told. There is a greater power inside gearing you to seek the things you truly want in life.

Reflecting on that talk, I met up with her again to go to church and the pastor today said something I needed to hear, “our flesh is weak, it is the spirit that is strong.” It all clicked. I needed to see my friend and I need to make more time to talk to the right people, who are pouring love, courage, knowledge and faith in me, in hope that I can see the things they see in me. So please make time to see your friends, you won’t regret it!




Learning to truly give indulge in the things I love and care about. Each day is step towards my future, I just need to push myself there.