3 min readJan 14, 2020

Here’s the start of a healthy new year! A cleanse and time to get myself together. Mainly to learn how to work smart not hard. I have finally agreed to let my inner Capricorn tendencies to tell me who I am as a 23rd year women.

(also me)

Current status I’m working in a field outside of my original choice of study. At this point in my life, I have decided to create my own opportunities. Because no one told me life would be this hard,and that you can’t always get what you want, mostly because I don't know exactly what want.

But I do know what I don’t want in my career. I feel like I need to find just try some new things and get out of my comfort zone this year more than ever. If I start this decade right, then the next 9 years shouldn’t be so bad, right?

So Medium will be my place to give people updates on how crazy my life has been because I’m the one controlling it. So I’m going to list what makes me feel like I’m not doing too bad for myself.

  1. I have a full time job that allows me to actually pay some bills, save and spend on things I will regret late when I look at my banking statements.
  2. I am in healthy loving relationship with my boyfriend of 1.5 years and we actually plan to move out together this year. God willing .
  3. I also have a healthy relationships with my family and most of my friends. Healthy in term sof at the very least, we text.

So as of now thats all good. But here are some things I need to work on.

  1. You know the simple, figure out what I want to do with the rest of my life, I’m leaning more into freelancer. Idk the writer/youtuber. There's nothing worse then have no one blame but yourself if you fail. I get really mad at myself and I turn mute because I literally lectured myself speechless. With that being said, Shout to the inner voice no one listens to! She come through when I’m in my lowest lows.
  2. I need to spend my money more wisely, I wasn’t paying rent to live at home and do you think I actually saved good amount of coin… my savings account was pathetic. Like sis, get it together, we don’t have time for the games 2020.
  3. Forreal, forreal your girl needs to write and film and edit. I got a whole degree on it and I don’t do anything with it, like you see what I complaining about before reflects my current situations. That cycle ends in 2020. I need to overcome my fears because they are dumb and nobody cares.

This is basically me and how I am so I’m going to let my personality shine through my writing this year. So hopefully this works out. Ok bye.


Learning to truly give indulge in the things I love and care about. Each day is step towards my future, I just need to push myself there.